Saturday, January 14, 2012

Week in review: twitter, awkward moments and First

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I have had a very exciting week. Might be strange since this is semester exams and it has been rainy and dark out all week. What could possibly ratchet up my enthusiasm for this nondescript week in this dreary part of the month?
  1. While the little darlings test, I get to sit and play on the computer.  Any day I get to do that is an awesome day.
  2. I was struck by some of my latest antics with an absolutely brilliant idea for the next unit I teach. The unit is about the boom and bust cycle of industries in Texas.  I know sounds thrilling...every year I try to jazz this puppy up.  Some are a little better than others but none are just ringing my bell.  Well, after watching a days worth of documentaries I thought..."Why couldn't my kids do this?" So I have devised a wild plan to have each class take on one industry and write/film/edit a movie of their own.  This could be super amazing or disaster.  I am really hoping we get amazing. I will keep you guys updated. 
  3. Do you ever have one of those "Office" moments at work and smile to yourself as you watch it unfold?  I love and look forward to these lovely little awkward times.  They bring nothing but joy and me.  One of these very moments was building all last week and finally ended on Friday. I have to say the build up to the moment made me feel like Christmas was coming.  I was giddy all week...and so thrilled on Friday when I could finally share all the fun antics that led up to this awkward celebration with everyone.  Fantastic!
  4. Another exciting thing was I ran my first blog hop.  It had pretty limited involvement.  Apparently the linky thing app is not so bueno for the nube. I will have to chalk that away as experience learned for next time.  It was fun to try to host a mixer...and a bit of a let down that it was about as well attended as most of my house parties. At least I am consistent. 
  5. I have been in complete Twitter nirvana. I have had a Twitter forever but didn't get it and was a wee bit scared of saying anything.  I had 200ish followers and was shocked because I never got on. That all changed two weeks ago.  I jumped on there and lucked into a #writerschat.  Where I bumped into some great writers with some pretty amazing and helpful advice. Not only did they have interesting things to say but they were so stinking friendly.  I was hooked. Then last week I had a full conversation with Janet Reid. (Top ten New York literary agent extraordinaire)  I had sent her a querry letter a year an a half ago and never heard back.  I probably deserved that.  She is super funny and sassy on Twitter. And she replies to her replies, kind of rare with some of the super famous twits. She and I had a fun sassy conversation.  She didn't ask to see my book nor did she remember me.  But super encouraging anyway. 
  6. And this week I was nominated/volunteered to write for the state social studies journal.  I am super hyped!  But the due date is next week....nice. I better get to writing.  Don't want to mess up my first due date. :0) Hope you guys have a great Saturday.

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